8 Best Reasons To Buy A Chanel Bag

Linh Trang

lifelover tokyo


8 Best Reasons To Buy A Chanel Bag


8 Best Reasons To Buy A Chanel Bag

lifelover tokyo

Instagram @lifelover_tokyo

When someone ask you: ‘Do you really need a Chanel Bag?’. Answer: Is that really a question?

It’s not a matter of need; you have to get a Chanel Bag. It’s not just because we’re addicted to shopping or expensive things, the psychology goes beyond that. The science is very deep and for some people it’s hard to understand. But that doesn’t matter, as long as we understand. Right girls?

Now let’s cover the top 8 reasons why we should buy a Chanel Bag.

1. The Prices Will Increase

It’s like an investment, but then a girl’s investment. Instead of buying stocks, you collect Chanel Bags and see it go up in value. You will be like a fashion investor, but with passion because you love shopping, don’t you?

2. You Can Pass It On

Having a Chanel Bag is something to be proud of. The brand Chanel has existed since the year 1909 and it will continue to thrive in the future. You can pass your Chanel Bag to your lovely sister or even to your grand daughter just like you would with jewelries.

3. The Longer You Wait, The More You Have to Pay

There is no merci in Chanel. If you wait, you get punished. The Chanel Bag doesn’t go up by ten dollars; it goes up by hundreds of dollars. In fact, the more expensive the bag becomes, the more it hikes because Chanel loves to calculate in percentage.

4. Chanel Bag Last Forever

If you keep your bag safe and clean with care, it will be with your forever. There are countless of vintage Chanel Bags that have survived today. Also, Chanel does create their handbags with a lot of love and craftsmanship.

5. It’s forever in fashion

It’s no coincidence that Chanel is so popular today. And it will become more popular in the future. As long as Chanel thrives, your bag is as valuable as gold.

6. It’s useful

The bags are not only gorgeous, but they are also crafted with use in mind. The interior and the pockets are created with a purpose. They are designed to make your life easier, so they’re useful. And imagine the moments in your life when you need a Chanel Bag, because it goes pretty with your dress and it’s not there.

7. It’s the only fashion piece you will ever need

The other fashion bags are cool, but the main bag is always a Chanel Bag. The rest are extra’s. If you have 1 Chanel Bag, you won’t need the others.

8. You can always sell it

If you regret about the purchase or you need cash, you can always sell the bag for breakeven or profit, because the prices always go up. So it’s not just a bag that you buy and lost value overtime. If you can always sell it, then why hesitate to get a Chanel Bag?

If someone ever asks you why you need a Chanel Bag and you don’t want to repeat, just send them to this page. And if you have more reasons, we do like to hear it. Write them in the comments below!

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2 thoughts on “8 Best Reasons To Buy A Chanel Bag”

  1. Really, these are the genuine reasons to buy a channel bag. thanks for sharing these amazing collection of bags.


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